Period: From March 2025 Issued on 13.03.2025 using data to the end of February 2025
February rainfall for the UK was below average. Some areas of northeast Scotland and northwest England recorded less than half of the February average. In southeast and southwest England, rainfall was average or above average. The forecast for March (issued by the Met Office on 24.02.2025) indicates an increased chance of wet conditions for northern and western parts of the UK. Unsettled conditions are possible in late March, but confidence remains low. The March-May forecast suggests a slightly higher than normal chance of being drier than average, particularly across southern England.
River flows:
River flows in February were below normal in northern Britain, notably or exceptionally so in some cases. Flows for England were in the normal range with some notably to exceptionally high flows in groundwater-dominated catchments across southern England. The outlook suggests above normal to high flows in these catchments are likely to persist in March and for the next three months.. Elsewhere, normal to above normal flows for March are likely for the northwest but below normal flows are more likely for northeast Britain. The March-May outlook shows a similar geographical pattern, with mostly normal to above normal flows across the UK but a slightly higher likelihood of below normal river flows in northeast England.
Groundwater levels in February were above normal across much of the Chalk aquifer of central and southern England, and mostly normal to above normal elsewhere. Notably low levels were registered at some sites in southern Scotland and Northern Ireland. The outlook for March is for above normal to notably high levels to persist in southern England, with the possibility of below normal levels in parts of south Wales and Scotland. Over the three-month period (March-May), groundwater levels are likely to be normal to above normal, particularly in the Chalk aquifer in southern England.